24 English Thought and Speech Today I thought I had now progressed far enough to arrange a sale while the work was still on the stocks, I went to Mr Bentley and demanded £-t()(),— for the copyright. He acceded, but came to me the next morning at the General Post Office to say that it could not be. He had gone to work at his figures after I had left him, and had found that £800 would be the outside value of the novel. I was intent upon the larger sum; arid in furious haste,—for I had but an hour at my disposal,— I rushed to Chapman & Hall in Piccadilly, and said what I had to say to Mr Edward Chapman in a quick torrent of words. They were the first of a great many words which have since been spoken by me in that back-shop. Looking at me as he might have done at a highway robber who had stopped him on Hounslow Heath, he said that he supposed he might as well do as I desired. I considered this to be a sale, and it: was a, sale. I remember that he held the poker in his hand all the time that I was with him;—but in truth, even though he had declined to buy the book, there would have been no danger. As I journeyed across France to Marseilles, and made thence a terrible rough voyage to Alexandria, I wrote my allotted number of pages every day. On this occasion more than once I left my paper on the cabin table, rushing away to be sick in the privacy of my state room'. It was February, and the weather was miserable; but still I did my work. Labor omnia vincit improbm. I do not say that to all men